I love veggies, but I tend to eat the same ones over and over, which I’m sure a lot of you do too. Once in while though, I’ll try something new, or something I haven’t had in a while and be pleasantly surprised, like with this recipe.

If you’ve never had them, hearts of palm are the dense heart of a type of palm tree. They have a delicate flavor and a crunchy texture that is perfect in a salad like this one. I’ve only had them canned, never seen them fresh, but if you live somewhere that you get fresh, I would try them that way.

I paired these with a spring favorite of mine — asparagus — and added a honey lemon dressing, a few cherry tomatoes, and some shrimp seasoned with Ava Jane’s Kitchen’s Citrus Salt & Pepper seasoning blend. The zesty, peppery blend adds the right amount of flavor without overpowering the delicate shrimp and veggies. A sprinkling of fresh Parmesan and you’ve got a perfect meal for enjoying a nice night on the patio. You can serve it warm or cook in advance and serve it chilled — either way, make sure to pair it with some crusty bread and a glass of white wine.

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