We went to a new brunch spot in town a few weekends ago, and my husband ordered shakshuka, not really sure what to expect. Shakshuka is a Middle Eastern egg dish that, while it has a fancy name, is actually a pretty simple dish of eggs cooked in tomato sauce with spices. The version my husband had was super spicy, and loaded with a variety of veggies, and topped with avocado and cheese. Needless to say, he loved it, and bothered me for days after to make it for him.

After trying to find the right recipe that had all of the elements he loved about it, I finally just decided to wing it and make it my own, and this recipe is what I ended up with. While not the same as the brunch version my husband had, he said this one was just as delicious, so I consider that a win in my book.

For my version, I sautéed a few veggies with one of my Ava Jane’s Kitchen spices for heat. I used the Blackened Fish, as it has a bit of heat, and goes well with tomatoes and peppers. It’s also an easy way to get a lot of flavor without having to measure a bunch of different dried herbs and spices, which can be tedious.

Once you’ve cooked your veggies, then just make a few small wells and add your eggs. Bake until done to your liking, and then top with whatever you like. I skipped the cheese and avocado for some sliced fresh jalapenos and chopped herbs, but either works. There are a lot of ways you could go with this dish and come out with something great, so I urge you to try this for your next Sunday brunch instead of the usual scrambled eggs.

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