Spring is a weird time of year around here. You get a few really nice, sunny days interspersed with some bitterly cold days, thrown in with some rain. Lots of rain. In the meantime, veggies start popping up more and more, which makes you want to eat fresh salads and raw veggies on a patio somewhere.

Problem is that even if it’s technically spring, and it’s supposed to be warm, the last thing you want after you’ve been out in the cold or rain (or cold and rain!) is a salad. I’m still craving a bowl of hot comfort food. So that’s where this recipe comes in. It’s got your spring veggies in the form of carrots, cauliflower, asparagus, green beans, and some hearty chicken. It’s cooked in a broth that is made with Ava Jane’s Kitchen Curry Powder, so it warms you right up. It’s like the best of both worlds, if there is anything good about days that are cold and dreary and gray.

You can swap the veggies in this, of course, and swap the chicken for chickpeas for a vegetarian version. It makes great leftovers, and can be served over rice if you need some starchy carbs to go with your meals.

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