I love spinach and artichoke dip, and even though it’s not the healthiest thing, I’ll usually order it if it’s on a restaurant menu. I’ve made it at home a few times, but only for company because otherwise I’d eat it all.

Every time I eat spinach and artichoke dip, I try to think of ways I can eat it every day without guilt. Finally, I came up with this. It’s got all the flavors — lots of garlic, tangy artichokes, lemon — paired with shredded chicken and Ava Jane’s Kitchen Everyday Blend. This seasoning blend is a great all-purpose seasoning, hence the name. You can use it anywhere, but it’s perfect for adding punch to dishes like this.

You can make up a big batch of this for the week and then eat it between two slices of bread for lunch or with some crackers as a snack. Unlike the dip version, this is actually pretty good cold, right out of the fridge.

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