I love snack foods. Not just like chips and pretzels and stuff (although, let’s be real, I love those too!) but appetizer kinds of things. Cheese plates, mini tarts, and all sorts of other bite sized things are among my favorite. I think it’s because you can eat a lot of different things at once. Or maybe because they’re just delicious.

One of my new favorites is sweet potato toast, although it’s not really toast, per se, more like broiled sweet potatoes, but toast is trendy these days, I guess.

This recipe is a simple way to serve guacamole that is more nutritious than eating a bunch of tortilla chips, and it’s just as satisfying. To ramp up the flavor, I used a new seasoning I got from Ava Jane’s Kitchen. It’s called Costa Verde Mango Chipotle seasoning, and it’s perfect for sweet potatoes. It’s exotic, spicy, and smoky, which compliments the sweet potatoes nicely. You really can’t go wrong here, I promise. It’s two steps until deliciousness.

To slice the sweet potatoes, a mandolin slicer is ideal for evenly sliced pieces that all brown up the same. I sliced mine thin, but not paper thin, so they would be kind of crispy on the outside without burning. They also cook pretty quickly this way. Brush with oil, sprinkle with seasoning, and broil. Step 1: Done!

Then, I smashed an avocado with some prepared Pico and chopped cilantro. Spooned it over the cooled sweet potato toast, and sprinkled with a bit more of the seasoning and a tiny bit of Colima Sea Salt for crunch. Only a tiny bit though, because the Costa Verde Mango Chipotle is blended with it as well. Step 2: Done!

There you go. Perfect for parties or just a mid-day snack.

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