It’s that time of year. When summer produce starts to become scarce, and things like pumpkin spice lattes, pumpkin doughnuts and pies start to show up. Even though pumpkin is technically a vegetable, you wouldn’t know it if you went by the seasonal recipes that start to crop up every year around this time.

But pumpkin spice can be healthy. For real. Because pumpkin spice is just that — spice.It’s a combination that is most often seen in pumpkin pies, hence the name. But the warm combo of spices — allspice, ginger, cloves, cinnamon — can be used on anything. Including vegetables.

This is a recipe I came up with on the fly, using what I had on hand. In this case, Brussels sprouts, sweet potatoes, broccoli, and onions. I seasoned them with Pumpkin Pie Spice, tossed in Ava Jane’s Kitchen Avocado Oil, and then roasted at high heat to caramelize. Then added some nuts and cranberries at the end, because fall. It was delicious, and hearty enough for a healthy lunch.

You can use whatever you like here. Any kind of root vegetable, cabbage, carrots. If you have a boatload of zucchini left from summer, use that. Really anything. You’ll make it so often that fall will get a new reputation for healthy food. Okay, maybe not.

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