***Recipe Courtsey of our Friends at PaleoHacks***

This coconut curry is ready for dinner faster than you can order out for delivery. In under an hour, this hassle-free curry is ready to enjoy with plenty of servings to go around—and minimal cleanup!

Start by browning diced chicken breast in a hot sauté pan. Next, add peppers and onions to the pan before building the coconut curry broth. Coconut cream makes for a thick and creamy sauce while warm, aromatic spices like cumin, fenugreek, and anti-inflammatory turmeric give this curry its exotic flavor. All you need is a tablespoon of Ava Jane’s Curry Powder seasoning to season the whole dish, plus a bit of freshly grated ginger for zesty brightness.

Instead of water, we use chicken stock to add liquid to the curry. Homemade, gut-healing chicken bone broth is ideal, but regular chicken stock works just as well.

Add cauliflower and broccoli last to keep them crisp and ensure they don’t overcook. Other great vegetables to add here include bok choy, eggplant, sweet potato, and bamboo shoots.

After the aromatic curry is ladled into bowls, garnish with herby cilantro (or Thai basil, if you prefer) and a squeeze of fresh lime juice. Serve over cauliflower rice or zucchini noodles if desired.

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