No matter what your skill level in the kitchen, there are things you should be able to cook to perfection without fail.

A juicy chicken breast is one of these things. If you’ve ever had bone dry chicken breast or — even worse — chicken that is pink in the middle, then you know what I’m talking about.

Fortunately, it’s pretty simple to make an amazing chicken breast, and all you need is a killer seasoning blend, an oven, and a meat thermometer.

For the seasoning, I used a combination of Roadside Chicken, Nana’s Italian Seasoning blend, and a tiny bit of brown sugar. The sugar is simply to promote browning. If you’re watching your sugar intake, you can certainly leave it out, just know that your chicken may not be as brown. But it will still be good.

You will also need to pound the chicken to an even thickness. Part of the reason so many chicken breasts end up over or under cooked is because they never start out even. So grab a mallet or even just a rolling pin and pound away.

Next, you’ll roast the chicken in a high heat oven for 15 minutes or so, until it reaches 165 internally. You can try the old cut the chicken to see if it’s done thing, but that’s an unreliable method. The cooking time will depend on the size of you chicken breasts, but you should start checking at about 15 minutes. Serve this with your favorite veggies for a healthy meal.

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