Now is the time of year when parties are happening, and at every party someone brings a veggie tray.

I have nothing against veggie tray. I mean, I get it. You want to have at least one healthy option for those that someone manage to limit indulgences this time of year.

I can get behind the veggie tray. What I can’t get behind is the sad container of ranch dip that everyone seems to think adds something to said veggie tray. Let me tell you. It does not.

What can you add to a veggie tray to make it sing, you may be wondering? Well, I just so happen to have the answer for you right here.

This green goddess dip is the best thing to ever happen to a lonely baby carrot at a holiday party. It’s fresh and herby. Salty and pungent. Best of all? It’s almost as easy as opening a container of ranch dip.

There’s no chopping. You don’t even have to measure most of the ingredients in exact amounts. Most of the flavor comes from herbs, so just throw a bunch of whatever you got. You just put everything in a food processor and blend, blend, blend. Then you serve it with any veggie you like, or pita chips, or olives, or just eat it with a spoon.

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