Years ago, I used to frequent this coffee shop that had these giant zucchini muffins that I couldn’t get enough of. They were moist and sweet and spicy, and loaded with walnuts and green flecks of summer squash. Ever since, I’ve loved zucchini muffins, and made them many times with varying success. Problem, of course, is that even though they are made with vegetables, they’re still loaded with refined sugar and flour.

So I set out to make a healthier muffin. One that you can eat with your morning coffee and not feel like you need a nap for the rest of the day, but also has some spicy flavor, and maybe a few more nutrients. I think these are a hit — they’re pretty easy to make, and freeze well in case you don’t want to eat them all at once.

They’re made with a few ingredients you know — zucchini, eggs, walnuts. And some that may surprise you — oat flour, dates, and Ava Jane’s Kitchen Avocado Oil. The oil is important because it adds moisture. It also uses Ava Jane’s Kitchen Pumpkin Pie Spice, a delectable combination of cinnamon and spices that is perfect for more than just pies. These muffins are gluten-free as long as you use certified gluten-free oats, so you don’t have to feel bad about refined flour. Perfect for a guilt free afternoon snack.

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