When the weather gets chilly, I start thinking about holiday meals and comfort food, and spend a lot of time in the kitchen trying to come up with different recipes that still fit with the holiday but aren’t the typical dishes. Yes, I love mashed potatoes, stuffing, and the like. But there’s always room on the table for something different.

Like this recipe. It’s got holiday components — potatoes, milk, Brussels sprouts — plus a delicious seasoning, and a crispy topping to finish it off. I’ve made it twice now, and I can almost guarantee it will be on my holiday table, even if some of the ingredients are a repeat. Because, I still won’t have a holiday meal without mashed potatoes.

It’s also fairly simple, and can be made in a standard square casserole dish or into ramekins for a fancier, more personal side dish, however your holidays happen to go. It’s also delicious on a non-holiday table next to your favorite roasted or grilled meats; trust me, I know.

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