Poached eggs are something most people probably don’t make at home, and for good reason. It’s kind of intimidating, and it can go wrong until you get the hang of it. Plus, it just feels more indulgent to order poached eggs at brunch and eat scrambled at home.

Well, this recipe is both easier than a traditional poached egg, and more indulgent. It’s totally doable at home, and when poached in luxurious Ava Jane’s Kitchen Avocado Oil, you’ll never want to eat eggs any other way.

The key to this is to use a nonstick skillet, and keep your oil hot, but not too hot. You aren’t looking to brown your eggs; instead, you just want to cook it over low heat and infuse it with the flavor of the avocado oil. You can eat this however you would eat a traditional poached egg — on toast, as Eggs Benedict, or over a salad. Season with whatever you like — fresh herbs, Colima Sea Salt, a seasoning blend like Hot Roasted Garlic all work well.

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