For some fall means pumpkin everything — lattes, pies, even decorations.

I love pumpkins and pumpkin spice things, but what I really love in the fall are apples. While I do love apples in the most traditional sense (pies!) I like apples most when they are raw. But it’s not always easy to find new ways to eat raw apples that isn’t snacking or just added to a salad.

So I made this recipe. I actually made this twice, and the first time, while good, was definitely missing something. It’s made up of apples, carrots, and nuts, with a tangy, creamy honey mustard dressing. I used the Yucatan Honey from Ava Jane’s Kitchen with a grainy mustard, and it made a uniquely flavored dressing that I will definitely make again.

But what I noticed most was that while the slaw captured a lot of good things — crunchy, tangy, creamy and savory — it was a bit too sweet. Not surprising since carrots and apples are naturally sweet, and then I added honey to them. It was kind of what I was looking for, but just too much. So I made it again, but this time added some Hot Roasted Garlic to balance the sweet and it made all the difference. It took this from a rather boring, overly sweet side dish to something you can’t stop eating. It was not super hot necessarily, just a balanced with a little bit of heat to finish. That’s what I love about the Hot Roasted Garlic. It’s literally perfect with the Yucatan Honey.

You can eat this as is, but it’s best eaten with something rich and savory. Think barbecue, braised chicken thighs, or piled on a corned beef sandwich.

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