Just because the holidays are over doesn’t mean you can’t add festive touches to winter dishes, especially if they fit in with a new year of eating healthy.

I almost always find myself with a few random things in my pantry after the holidays are done. Usually it’s leftovers from dessert prep; a quarter bag of chocolate chips, or some pie crust in the fridge. These don’t often fit in when you’re trying to cut back on sugar and sweets during the new year.

Sometimes, however, you find yourself with a big bag of Brussels sprouts (was going to make a salad for a party that got canceled at the last minute) and a half bag of fresh cranberries (from a pie — but healthy!) and that’s where this recipe was born.

While my husband loves Brussels sprouts any way he can get them, I will only eat them if them if they are roasted or raw. Since roasting them is more winter friendly, that’s where we went with this. Seasoned with Ava Jane’s Kitchen’s Everyday Blend, roasted sprouts are fantastic. But to liven them up a little, I added a few fresh cranberries when they were almost done. While super tart raw, cranberries get a little sweeter when roasted, and compliment the Brussels sprouts nicely. A dusting of fresh grated Parmesan and fresh herbs finished them off nicely. Perfect for a healthy winter side dish that doesn’t feel like you’re giving up everything.

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